• Syllabus for MA 141-11, Fall 2018
  • Calculus I
  • 1.   Instructor: Dr. N. Jing
           Office: SAS 3142                 Office Hours:  TH 1:15-2:15
              Lecture Hours: TH 4:30-6:20     Classroom: RD 321
          Phone Number: 513-3584.

         Teaching Assistant: Cater Jameson
          Office:SAS ??    Office Hours:
          Phone Number:      E-mail address:  cdjameso@ncsu.edu

          Undergraduate Tutorial Center: 2nd floor, SAS Hall

    2. Textbook:
         Calculus, Grigg, Franke, Norris,online book available from webassign

    3. Schedule of exams:
    1) T 9/13 ;  2) H 10/11; 3) T 11/13; 4) T 12/4

         Final exam:  Dec. 11, Tu, 1-4

    4. Grading Policy:
            Quizzes/attendance 0-2 %+ Maple/Webassign 8-10%+Tests 55%+Final 35%

    5. Topics and Homework Assignment :
           Homework Assignments (Note that the following are subject to change before the class time. Assignments are fixed only when the classes are given):

    2.3: 9, 17, 35.         2.4: 27, 35
    2.5: 17, 23, 24        2.6: 5, 27, 30
    2.7: 4-11, 19, 23     3.1: 3--19(odd)
    3.2: 3--15(odd)      3.3: 5, 9, 15, 19, 33
    3.4: 7, 23, 27, 49, 51    3.5: 5, 11, 23
    3.6: 17, 21, 32       3.7: 2, 5, 11, 15, 25
    3.9: 1, 5, 7, 15, 31

    Sample Test 3.
    Final Review.